Check out these videos to learn more about KP Bands.



KineticPro Bands

We have built the games first fully dynamic resistance band training protocol. With individualize daily training KP Bands are able to help you with your specific shoulders needs. KP Bands operate through the Kinnect app to offer you an objective approach daily. Stay healthy and stay ahead with this innovative technology from KineticPro. 

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Check Out Our Free KP Bands Course! 

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Are you a coach looking to grow both your knowledge base and your network? Kinnect EDU is an online platform designed to introduce you to innovative coaching technologies all while “Kinnect”ing you to like minded coaches. Learn all about KP’s products and philosophies while networking with coaches from around the world. Lets change the game together! 

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The Kinnect App









Kinnect brings together the top tech and philosophy in pitching today right to the palm of your hand. Choose the right “generation” for you and unlock your training. Kinnect powers some of the games top organizations, universities and players around the world. Start to #ClimbTheMountain today with Kinnect on iOS.
