Your Best Starts Now.
Welcome To KP! Lets get started together by scheduling an assessment. Assessments are approximately an hour and 30 minutes and contain the following…
- General Questionnaire (this is to understand your training and health history.)
- Movement Analysis (this is a range of motion test to see where you might be limited physically in your movement capacity.)
- Force Production Analysis (this is to help us understand how strong you are.)
- Shoulder Strength Analysis (this is a patented process we call TISO Testing. This will help us understand where your shoulder might be strong or weak.)
Once testing is complete we sit with you 1 on 1 and plan your training road map for 30min – 1 hour. This is when we will answer any questions you might have about our program.
We ask you wear athletic clothing (just as you would dress to go to the gym), we ask you be on time and we ask you prepare questions ahead of time for our session! This is your time to strategize your future with us. Your best starts now.
For more info or questions contact us!
P. (941) 592-0737